Nuts – Positive effects and recommended doses

Previously, much has been written about negative effects of nuts on our figure and health. The reality is, however, a bit different. Eating nuts can help us lose weight. Nuts are good for health if we follow the rule of “moderation in all things”. Many studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts prevents the occurrence of various metabolic diseases.

Nuts – Positive effects and recommended doses

Nuts are a great source of substances beneficial for the human body, able to calm the nerves or improve brain activity. They contain a lot of proteins but also fats. Let's look at which nuts to choose and eat to avoid unnecessary weight gains, and how nuts can affect our health.

Cashew nuts contain less fat and a large amount of iron, zinc, and magnesium. By consuming these nuts regularly, you can improve your immunity and memory, and age more slowly. When eating 18 cashew nuts, you only intake 165 Cal and 13 g of fat. 

Pistachios have two great benefits. The first is the fact that they contain four times less calories than all other nuts. And, moreover, you can even burn some calories by peeling them before eating. The second benefit is a high content of antioxidants, vitamin E, B6 and potassium. Consumption of pistachios boosts your mood, immunity, muscles and nervous system. 50 pistachios contain 160 Cal and 14 g of fat.

Now let's look at more fatty nuts that I recommend to eat really moderately when you are trying to lose weight. 

Walnuts are sources of high-quality proteins and unsaturated fats. They contain vitamins, minerals and iron. They help people calm down, protect the body from cellular damage, have anti-inflammatory effects, contribute to the prevention of heart diseases and cancer. Group B vitamins are beneficial for the skin, hair and nails. The recommended daily amount is 14 halves of walnuts, which equals to 185 Cal and 18 g of fat.

Almonds have a positive effect on intestines and contain a large amount of fibre compared to other nuts. They also contain antioxidants, vitamin E and other substances having the same effect as hazelnuts. Since they are alkaline, they can help with pyrosis. The daily limit is 23 almonds, i.e. 170 Cal and 15 g of fat.

Pecans support heart function while lowering the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol. 18 halves of pecan nuts contain 200 Cal and 21 g of fat.

Para nuts are great for cancer prevention since they contain a high amount of selenium. Eat them in small quantities, however, because they are very caloric. 5-6 pieces contain 185 Cal and 18 g of fat. It is not recommended to eat more than 5 pieces per day.

Macadamia nuts are the most caloric nuts. They contain the most mono-saturated fats that lower the levels of LDL, cholesterol and sugar in the blood, which has a positive effect on blood pressure. Remember, however, that only 10 pieces of these nuts include 200 Cal and 22 g of fat. On the other hand, they have the best ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

Hazelnuts have similar effects to macadamia nuts and, moreover, show very positive effects on eyes, second type diabetes or old dementia. Unfortunately, part of the population can't consume these nuts because of allergy or intoleration.

I recommend mainly almonds and macadamia nuts.

Ilustration photo: source Pixabay, licence CC0 Creative Commons

Kateřina Adámková

I'm a nutritional counselor and personal trainer. I provide comprehensive counseling services in the field of nutrition, sports and healthy lifestyle. I keep a close eye on the current development in these areas, regularly extend my education, and take interest in new trends.


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